Wednesday, August 01, 2007

the void...

void (void) adj.
Containing no matter; empty.
Not occupied; unfilled.
Ineffective; useless.
An empty space.
A vacuum.
An open space or a break in continuity; a gap.
A feeling or state of emptiness, loneliness, or loss.

'completion' leaves an ache behind...


pamya said...

for a programmer "void" is a function that returns nothing.......

but for you the completion has not left only the "ache"....

am i right?

Anonymous said...

constraints of life
constraints of being
of freedon and of living
a sense of something
muted within you
empty words
empty mind
creating a vaccum within you
to be filled with a feeling
a longing
for someone...for somwthing..
much deeper..
and worthy..