allah tero naam ishwar tero naam...
I so wish that I could believe in god...
We are so handicapped and limited that it is shacking... hm...
We, our responsibilities... our helplessness and our streangth too actually...
Everything is surpassingly stunning...
Every now and then things become such that
we come across something where we are at the '.' full stop point...
Life becomes an effort to discover, uncover surprises...
And how and what reveals in front of us...
'We have to be humble.'
Nature would not appreciate any kind of arrogance at all...
But we are so very proud... Stupid...
If there were any CONSCIOUS supernatural power it would be laughing at us so loudly...
But we are so busy in out own noise that we do not hear that too...
We have no time to hear our own cry, our own wounds are bleeding and we neglect...
As if we have cut that part from our body...
Bad faith as Sartre would call it...
That pain... that anguish...
That sensitivity ...
We are applying more and more and ore cosmetics...
to cover our aging...
Daily face lifts...
every morning we look in the mirror...
pull our faces up...
And say WOW here is a NEW day of my life...
We read Gandhi saying 'be the change...'
and at the end of the day,
again we try to forget how many times did we auction our soul in that day...
That is what we do...
Why can't we see all that??
Do we see all that?
Why are we all not ready to go beneath,
within more and more and more...
Till we find that very uncultured human?
What are we talking about being cultured ?
What kind of culture are we culturing?
Nirbal ko bal dene wale
balawan ko de de jnyan...
sabako sanmatee de bhagawan...
Why are we waiting for that to happen?
From where in the heven sake is that going to come????
Dewala shivya ghalnarya Tukaramala apan dokywar gheun naachato...
Bhudhha ni sangital, murti puja nako... Apan tyachahi bajar kela...
Swat: kade bagha... ????????////
Ani? Ratri zopatana sagala wisarun jaato...
are yaar...
Bhuataa paraspare jado maitra jiwanche???
Prarthana karaychi ani mag MIT chya nawani paise odhayche...
Sahityala tatwajnyanachi baithak hawich asa sangat basaych?
Nahi yaar
Kuch to galat ho raha hai...
What do we do?????????????????????????
How and what in the world are we going to feel, understand what is GOOD???
6.422 When an ethical law of the form, 'Thou shalt ...' is laid down, one's first thought is, 'And what if I do, not do it?' It is clear, however, that ethics has nothing to do with punishment and reward in the usual sense of the terms. So our question about the consequences of an action must be unimportant.--At least those consequences should not be events. For there must be something right about the question we posed. There must indeed be some kind of ethical reward and ethical punishment, but they must reside in the action itself. (And it is also clear that the reward must be something pleasant and the punishment something unpleasant.)
6.423 It is impossible to speak about the will in so far as it is the subject of ethical attributes. And the will as a phenomenon is of interest only to psychology.
Bichara Socrates... kiti sadha...? Tyala wataych lokana GOOD mhanje kaay te kalala ki te wait kadhi kalanarch nahit... bhalatach weda manus hota haa...