Sunday, June 29, 2008

taanpuryanchya gaabhyaatun.......

a man
an artist
an ascetic

he was with
he was within
he was without

he was for his audience
he was for himself
he was or his father
he was there
he was not there
he is Shivputra

he was making it tangible
and completely intangible


i did not try to understand
it took me over
opium kind
am still on the same high...

Core is touched
core is shaken
core is tender
core is a weep
core is bliss

core is my existence
my existence is an experience
it made me a whole...

1 comment:

Nehal Divekar/ नेहल दिवेकर said...

apratim....i do not know how i never got a chance to be with him before...